Never have I ever wanted the weekend to get here sooner. I started work this past Monday and let me just say it was the hardest day of my life. We have Aiden in a church daycare, which makes it easier since he's in a christian environment, but it is never easy leaving your baby that you have spent every day with to a complete stranger. Jonathan went with me to take him Monday morning then he went on to work and I stayed around a little bit longer. I just couldn't let him go. I mean who would want to leave this sweet little face.

So that same day I went back to see him on my lunch break. I think it made it worse because I really didn't want to leave him again. So of course I started crying again. Thank goodness for waterproof mascara! It's been hard because he has been sleeping on his tummy since he was 2 weeks old. Well state regulations won't let daycares allow that, so they've been putting him on his back and he just hasn't been sleeping. Hopefully he will get use to it.
After work I'm sure they can see smoke coming from my tires from me speeding away in the parking lot. I don't think I could get to Aiden any faster. I feel like that is when I get stopped at every red light and get behind the slowest people. I just want to put a sign on my car that says, "New Mom, Get Out of My Way, Going to Pick Up My Baby!!!" I'm sure it would probably work!
Everyone keeps telling me this will get easy. I'll just have to wait and see, from the looks of it now I'm not so sure! Please keep me in your prayers...