Wow, I can't believe it but Kennedy is already 6 weeks old. Time flies when you're having fun and not getting much sleep..Ha! Actually Kennedy has been a really good baby. She is still sleeping a lot. (Worried that that is about to end.) She eats about every 3-4 hours and after each feeding pretty much falls asleep. The last few nights she has been going about 4-5 hours in between feedings. Loving that! Aiden was and is still a great sleeper so hoping she will be too. Aiden is LOVING being a big brother. You can tell my the first picture with his big smile. He is so proud of her. Whenever we go out he always tells people, "This is my baby sister!" Here are a few pictures of what we been up to lately.
Aiden and Kennedy (Kennedy 1 month old)

Kennedy not so happy in this picture. Not sure if it's the headband or me taking a million pictures. You can see it really bothers Aiden...ha ha!

Gotta love when they are trying to get their eyes focused! Thought this picture was too cute not to post.

Aiden and Jonathan about to leave for church on Father's Day. Kennedy and I stayed home so I wasn't picture quality and I think Kennedy was sleeping. We will take her to church as soon as she has her 2 month shots.

A few weekends ago Ben, Kristen, Bella and Brooks came to visit. This is the only picture I got of the kids. We had so much fun that I forgot to take any pictures. Here's Aiden, Bella and Brooks. We're so glad they came to visit and to meet little Kennedy.

Kennedy in the car after running around. She pretty much slept the whole time they were here.

One of her favorite sleeping positions.

Her sweet little swimsuit. She's ready for the pool. And would you believe it she's already gotten to wear it twice. We have taken her to the pool but she sits in the shade in her little travel swing and slept the whole time. She loved it.

And the hat to go with it....

So pretty...

Another day, another dress! We (well I guess I should say I) am having fun dressing her up every day.

It's really hard to get a picture of her sitting up when she's not sitting up yet. I can usually get one and than she starts falling over.

Aiden wanted to give the travel swing a try. He goes a little faster in it than Kennedy does and that's mostly because he's pushing himself! Pretty sure he's over the weight AND height for that swing.

Oh just hanging out in my pack and play in mom and dad's room.

Mom, Please stop dressing me up every day! Pretty sure she's either tired of me dressing her up or does not like the headband. I'm going to go with both.

There that's better. I just love the little headbands and I'm hoping she grows to like them too. Or maybe just starts to tolerate them more.

Aiden is doing a mother's day out for the summer at our church. The other day they had a photographer come and take head shots of all the kids and you could buy them if you liked it. I just thought this was such a cute picture of Aiden so of course I had to get it. Oh and BTW, I didn't realize it was picture day at school so that's why he is just in a t-shirt. But you can't really tell so I didn't think it really mattered.

I got this picture blown up for Jonathan for Father's day. Such a sweet picture of the two of them. This is what Aiden does to Kennedy all day, just gives her kisses. It is so sweet. Well except when she's sleeping and he wakes her up to give her a kiss. I don't get really excited about that.

When I took Kennedy to her 1 month appointment these were her vitals:
weight: 10 pounds-70%
height: 21.75 in.-70%
head: 15 in.-78%
So she is just growing right along and having no problems. She has been a really good baby and we are have just felt so blessed to have two healthy children. It's funny how relaxed you are your second time. Aiden has done really well with the transition and he just is so happy to have a baby sister. Things have been great with two children. I have even ran errands with both of them by myself! And I survived! People keep commenting on how they can't believe how fast I have gotten out to go do things, but I think with your second you just go and don't think about it. I mean we can't just sit at home with a 2 year old all the time. So like I said earlier Kennedy is eating well (as you can tell by her weight). Eating about every 3-4 hours. She has been sleeping in her crib since week 2. Let's see what else is she doing.....oh yeah, letting mom play dress up! So that's about it. Hope everyone is having a good summer so far.