Monday, April 28, 2008

Aiden is 8 months old...

It's hard to believe that our little guy is already 8 months old.  These are the fun things he's been doing lately...

He pulls himself up onto everything.  Now not only does he play inside the exersaucer, but he plays on the outside of it as well.  

He's been doing the army crawl for quite some time now.  He's getting pretty fast at it too.  
Standing up in his crib!!!  We had to lower his mattress a couple of weekends ago because this is how I found him one morning.  Within the last few days I took his bumper pads out because he was looking like he was about to try and climb on those as well.  Now I feel like he's bumping his head, but I guess I rather him do that then fall out of the crib.  Any suggestions about that one?
He's just so proud of himself....

Loves it when I spike his hair up!  You can also see his two bottom teeth in this picture.  Those actually started coming in over a month ago, but he never lets me get a picture of them.  The four on the top are all coming in right now at the same time.  Oh the joys of teething!  
Doesn't miss a meal even if it means sleeping at the table!!!  This little guy can eat!  We have been going to the doctor a lot lately because he constantly has ear infections (that's another story).  So last Monday they weighed him and he weighed right at 19 pounds!  I couldn't believe it.  I asked his doctor if she thought I was feeding him too much and she just laughed and told me to keep feeding him like I am because at 15-18 months their appetite usually decreases.  I'm thinking he won't have a problem with that one.  

Even though he's a boy he has to have cute shoes!  This isn't necessarily something that he likes, more something mommy likes!  He could care less about them.  He's always pulling them off or chewing on them anyways.  

We love you little man!  Thanks for making us laugh everyday.  That smile is very contagious!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

What we've been up to lately.....

Where do I start??? Aiden has been very active lately. One of my friends from my old job gave me a walker and Aiden LOVES it.

Although it's no Mustang, he can still get up and go in this thing!

Round and round he goes. Where he stops nobody knows!!!

This is fun!!!

Aiden has a new game where he likes to drop things on the ground and see how many times mommy will pick it up.

This is Boo laying on the steps so Aiden doesn't run over her in his walker. The dogs act like their running for their lives when Aiden gets in that thing.

Hercules was waiting for Aiden to get up from his nap....

I guess he got tired of waiting!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Long time no post....

This is why I haven't been blogging in a while......
(I am glad I have this double stroller so we can go on walks!)

Hercules is always in their face licking them!

Things have been crazy around here.  I am keeping another little girl 2-3 days a week that is the same age as Aiden.  While it's been great being at home with Aiden, it is pretty challenging keeping two at the same time.   Especially when they are starting to get into everything like Aiden is.   

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm having so much fun

 with mommy at home!!! (I like to get right up in her face when she's taking my picture)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I have found my joy...

Well tomorrow is my last day at work. It is definitely bitter sweet. I have made such great friends at work and I am going to miss seeing them all the time, but getting to see Aiden grow before my eyes every day will be priceless. I received a sweet devotional from a friend at work earlier in the week that I want to share and it just sums up why I'm staying at home........

There's an old saying that says, "You can't take it with you." Although the world will offer you all kinds of things that seem shiny and exciting, they will all fade. Money, cars, ipods, careers.....these things will bring you joy and satisfaction for a while, but in the end, where will you have found your joy? As you walk through this week, look for the things in your life that will stand the test of time. Look for the love, the compassion, the opportunities for giving. Try to discover the things that bring you joy that don't come with a price tag, and then get as much joy as you can while you're here on this earth!

I have found my joy and I'm so glad I will be with him everyday.....And I'm so grateful to have a husband that supports me in doing this. I love you both....

Thursday, April 3, 2008

4 wonderful years...

Today is mine and Jonathan's 4 year anniversary! We have actually been together almost 9 years, but only married 4 years. I have known him 11 years, though....WOW! I am so blessed to be married to my best friend. You're not only a wonderful husband, but the best dad in the least Aiden and I think so! I love you and I look forward to many more years together....