It's hard to believe that our little guy is already 8 months old. These are the fun things he's been doing lately...
He pulls himself up onto everything. Now not only does he play inside the exersaucer, but he plays on the outside of it as well.

Loves it when I spike his hair up! You can also see his two bottom teeth in this picture. Those actually started coming in over a month ago, but he never lets me get a picture of them. The four on the top are all coming in right now at the same time. Oh the joys of teething!

Doesn't miss a meal even if it means sleeping at the table!!! This little guy can eat! We have been going to the doctor a lot lately because he constantly has ear infections (that's another story). So last Monday they weighed him and he weighed right at 19 pounds! I couldn't believe it. I asked his doctor if she thought I was feeding him too much and she just laughed and told me to keep feeding him like I am because at 15-18 months their appetite usually decreases. I'm thinking he won't have a problem with that one.