Thursday, July 24, 2008

Trip to Shreveport...

Okay, I've finally found some time to put some pictures up from our trip to see Ben, Kristen, Isabella, and Brooks.  We had an added bonus because Grammy was there helping out so we got to see her as well.  We missed Granddaddy, though.  Get ready because there are a lot of pictures.

We try to plan our traveling around Aiden's nap time.  He does NOT like his carseat these days so if we can get him to sleep while we're driving it makes for a much pleasant trip.  I can't wait till we can turn him around.
Right when we got there Aiden and Isabella got right to playing.  They weren't messin' around!
The guys left to go golfing so we decided to take all three kiddos shopping.  Taking 3 kids under 2 to go shopping is no easy task.  We must have really wanted to go shopping.  Thank goodness there were three of us so we each had one. 
Sweet little Brooks just chillin'
See I told you he wouldn't last long in his carseat....
I guess a bottle makes everything better.   (Notice Isabella and Aiden holding hands......ahhhh so sweet)
Thank goodness for the double stroller.  It was a life saver.
We were gone during Aiden's afternoon nap.  Thank goodness he's like his mom and can sleep anywhere.  
Sweet Isabella
The minute we got back they got busy playing again.  We need to get Aiden one of these piano and microphone things.  He loved it!  
The next morning we went to church, then out to eat at Cheeseburger Cheeseburger.  Aiden is trying to share his cracker with Isabella.  
Aiden looks like he's giving me the thumbs up in this picture.  Too funny.  (Isn't the pink background nice?!?!)
Brooks, Isabella and Aiden
This is Macy, Ben and Kristen's dog.  I'm glad she's laid back because Aiden was hitting her like she was a stuffed animal.  
They were dog sitting the cutest dog and I just had to get a picture of her.  This is Tinkerbell.  Isn't she cute!
Sweet Brooks 
Jonathan and Brooks
We ended the trip just like we started it.....Thank God!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love all of these pics!